by Jeremy
New Year’s is the time that most of us make resolutions, and fitness is not at the top of most Canadians’ lists. In fact, more Canadians are making resolutions to pay down debt. An annual survey by CIBC shows that paying down debt is the top financial priority for Canadians for the fifth year in a row. Building up savings and planning for retirement are also important along with paying bills and keeping up with day-to-day expenses. (Mortgage Broker News) Anything you do in your life that involves money, needs to have a plan. A financial plan might sound intimidating, but it actually just outlines…
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With Christmastime upon us and a new year approaching, your credit card may have been pushed to the…
Posted by Jeremy
A new home may not be on your holiday shopping list, but this time of year is actually…
Posted by Jeremy
It’s the season of giving, and for most people that means spending a little more this month. Many…
Posted by Jeremy
“Wow!” you say to your spouse as you hit the brakes on the car. “Did you see the…
Posted by Jeremy
Today is Roof Over Your Head Day, and if you’ve been looking into the idea of homeownership, here’s…