by Jeremy
A credit rating agency is ringing the alarm that Canadians should be worried about a rise in mortgage fraud. “Recent years have witnessed accumulating reports of fraudulent information corrupting the inputs used in the underwriting process for Canadian residential mortgage originators,” reads a recent report from Standard & Poor’s. In the report, S&P cites rising levels of household debt as a major concern when it comes to the possibility of mortgage fraud in Canada. [Buzz Buzz News] So, what is mortgage fraud and what can be done about it? Mortgage fraud is misrepresentation of information to help you obtain a mortgage, including: Inflating your income…
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According to a new study released by Capital One, less than half of Canadians are taking appropriate steps…
Posted by Jeremy
Financial literacy is always a hot topic in the media, as millennials and Gen X-ers continue to be…
Posted by Jeremy
It is a growing trend that doesn’t seem to be a trend anymore — more and more unmarried…
Posted by Jeremy
Yesterday, CREB hosted their annual forecast and tradeshow, shedding some light on what the housing market will bring…