Adopt My Mortgage

It’s finally here!!

Adopt My Mortgage Program

I’m happy to announce a brand new initiative designed to to help Canadians save money through strategy and proactive and ongoing mortgage management. To my existing clients, this is not new, as I have been developing this program for the past 3 years. However, to the general public, this is NEW.

The average consumer goes into a fixed term product thinking they will lock it and forget it. You pick the term, it doesn’t matter, but have you seen the market sit stagnant for 1, 2, 5 years, etc…? Of course not! The market is ALWAYS moving. One of the biggest misconceptions is that if I’m locked in, I wouldn’t have to worry until maturity. Why worry at all? Worse yet, another consumer may choose to take an adjustable mortgage product and follow the market with NO idea as to what indicators to watch.

It’s akin to buying stock. You may buy stock today at $3.25, but what is your strategy? When do you sell, buy, hold, etc…? What indicators are you watching?

We have many different strategies and many different products to support those strategies but more importantly, not only do we offer proactive follow up, we also have forecasting models to help with the age old question…do I go fixed or adjustable? Variable is not the greatest product, but I won’t go into the reasons here.

Full Disclosure

This program is not for everyone as there is a small level of effort required by the borrower, however, all the heavy lifting is done by us. This program is for those who not only dream of becoming mortgage free one day, but those who are willing to take action today.

Lets be honest, some buyers prefer to work with their bank only to figure out down the road that they haven’t heard from their bank in years and while some around them are saving money, they are stuck. As consumers we mean well, but sometimes we just don’t know what we don’t know. And other times, we are steered in the wrong direction by those we trust. I understand and I’m here to help!

I’m prepared to help manage the mortgages for those who are not my clients currently, we will adopt their mortgage. Why? Because one of my core values is ‘get by giving’. They may have taken their mortgage through a bank or a broker and that’s okay.

Here is what they can expect:

  • Initial Phone Interview- this is where I uncover a need and ensure us working together is a fit
  • A Mortgage Assessment- this will provide me with a basic understanding of needs vs. wants
  • A Strategy Session- structure a plan and uncover any weakness with your current situation
  • Annual Mortgage Review- this is our time to make adjustments or course corrections
  • And of course ongoing market commentary

Let me ask, who do you know who is doing this today? Who do you know who is willing to do all this at no cost to you?

Oh, one last question…if I could help you save money and become Mortgage Free years sooner, would that excite you?

Qualifier… this program is by referral only. We are not excepting the general public into this program at this point, as it is important we spend our time and resources helping our existing clients and their friends, family, colleagues, etc…


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